
Dream Volunteers is about making dreams possible. We are a 501(c)3 organization that puts 100% of proceeds back into helping the communities we serve. We provide academic scholarships for local Young Dreamers to attend quality schools and complete their education, classroom and instructional support to ensure students have access to quality teachers and school, leadership training and developmental programs to support students as they become community leaders and change-agents, and financial support for sustainable development projects that are chosen by community leaders (which they then guide and our trip volunteers help execute). We also provide travel scholarships for students who might not otherwise have the financial ability to participate in international service trips which open doors and eyes to the world beyond their home communities. All of these programs are critical to our mission of empowering a global community of future changemakers who will help lead positive change in our world.

We can’t do it alone and are grateful to the many generous supporters who contribute and help fundraise on Dream Volunteers’ behalf. We hope you will join our cause!

Ready for the Trip of a Lifetime?

Find out how to get started

Start a Fundraising Campaign

You want to help others. You want to make someone’s life better. You can be the difference between someone having to leave school after 6th grade or graduating high school and becoming a successful member of their community. By simply sending a few emails or sharing on social media, you can fund a scholarship. You can make it possible for someone to go to school who otherwise wouldn’t or provide funding for a community development project like classroom construction, supplying running water to a village, or enabling a young women’s empowerment workshop. Many student trip participants have had great success sharing their stories and reaching out to their friends, family, and communities for support.

Here’s how it works…

Using our crowdfunding tool, Fund-A-Dream, you can create a fundraising campaign to help support these communities in need. You will need to set up an account and then can customize a campaign page.
Set a goal and explain your cause. Tell others about your campaign, share it on social media, or ask people to donate in lieu of a birthday or holiday gift.
100% of donations raised will go directly the cause — providing scholarships and supplies for students. There is no administrative overhead.
You and your donors can track progress against your goal and ensure you reach the target.
Fund A Dream today!

Host a Fundraising Event

Another option is to host an event at home or school. Together with friends or fellow travelers, parents, or chaperones, you can bring the community together to share your stories and make dreams come true for other Young Dreamers. We’ve had students host car washes, after school child care, and bake sales. Families have put on cross-cultural fundraising dinners and film night. And donors have sponsored “salon evenings” introducing Dream Volunteers work and programs to the community, There are so many ways to help support Dream Volunteers programs and the many aspiring Young Dreamers around the globe. If you’ve got an idea, we’re happy to provide materials and collaborate!

Get Inspired

We are fortunate to have many good friends and supporters who help make our programs and Young Dreamers’ dreams come true. These are just a few of the amazing events and fundraisers hosted by our generous community… Maybe there’s an idea you might want to try. Or maybe you have a fundraising story to share with us so we can celebrate your success!

Sharing hygiene supplies

Working through math exercises

Have a More Creative Idea?

You are here because you are a dreamer and dreamer’s dream. We’d love to hear or help with your ideas. We can connect you with other volunteers and supporters who may have done something similar or who can help you develop your idea. Fundraising can be as big or as simple as you want. Some of our youngest volunteers have asked friends to donate to the cause rather than give them a gift for a birthday celebration. Others have collected small change at school. Many families have opened their homes and their hearts to host festive occasions and venues to share the Dream Volunteers story. We are grateful for all the support!

Here are some suggestions from our community members. We’d love to hear yours! Please contact us for information or assistance. And don’t forget to share photos of all your efforts. We want to celebrate you.

Here’s how it works…

✓ Bake Sale or Lemonade Stand
Organize a weekend fundraiser, let people know how the proceeds will help support others!
✓ Race or Walkathon or other sponsored sporting event
Host a dedicated event or ask sponsors to back you as you take on a challenge ($10 per mile?)
✓ Crafting party
Collect donated supplies, design some fun crafting projects and ask participants for a “program fee” contribution
✓ Film night
Bring friends and family together to share in a fun evening and ask for donations in lieu of “tickets”
✓ Global “Trunk Show”
Host a shopping party selling handmade crafts made by our Young Dreamers or collected from your travels
✓ Cultural dinner party or fiesta
Create a special event celebrating a culture and community or share highlights from a recent trip and ask friends to donate what they think it’s worth or what they might pay for an evening out

Ready for the Experience of a Lifetime?

Find out how to start the journey